1712 Encyclopedia of Japan on Kyoto indigo (Kyoai)

The haiku I posted the other day, “Shimabara no soto mo shimiru ya ai-batake,” dates back to the year 1700.




Moving on to the description from the encyclopedia “Wakan Sansai Zue” in 1712, it states that indigo from Kyoto was the most excellent, followed by Hyogo (Harima), Awa, and Awaji.
“If anyone wishes to see this document, please come to my studio.”




It’s puzzling why Kyoto, even though it had the finest indigo in Japan, allowed it to decline.




Understanding this, the significance lies in the fact that I revived “Kyoto Indigo(Kyoai)” using the fertilizers and cultivation methods from that time in the original place where indigo was cultivated.




As for the person who ignited the revival of “Kyoto Indigo(Kyoai)” approximately 85 years after 1712, I’ll write about them another time.



Kyoai Dyeing Master Matsuzaki For requests for collaboration products to Riku and other inquiries, please call us.
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