I will be appearing on Radio Kansai!

I will be appearing on Radio Kansai!



It’s Toshi-chan and Daiki’s “Eeyan Car! Let’s give it a try!!”



The broadcast date is on June 19th from 19:30.



I will be discussing various topics, such as why I decided to pursue indigo dyeing.


Also, I will talk about the revival of Kyoto indigo, which was originally cultivated in the outskirts of Kyoto but vanished during the Taisho era.


Why did I choose to revive it in the western part of Kyoto? There will be many interesting discussions!




(Note: The phrase “Eeyan Car” seems to be a play on words in Kansai dialect, combining “Eeyan” which means “great” or “awesome” and “Car” which refers to the radio program.)



Kyoai Dyeing Master Matsuzaki For requests for collaboration products to Riku and other inquiries, please call us.
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